Product Feature - SCTE-35 Marker Inserter
Automated SCTE-35 marker insertion for your live streams: learn more about the latest enhancement for App Platform.
Monetisation through advertisements today is integral to business success of streaming services and content distributors. Simplestream’s ad tech stack is now richer than ever, thanks for the addition of the SCTE-35 Marker Inserter, the new tool that enhances automated ad insertion workflows for customers distributing live streams and choosing Server-side Ad Insertion (SSAI).
The enhancement brings the benefit of increased opportunities to generate additional revenue and is tailored to customers whose live streams don’t support mid-rolls (which account for nearly 85% of the revenue generated across monetisation streams).
Channels cloud-encoded by Simplestream are processed by ingesting the playout schedule, which is a detailed version of the EPG, and details the segmentation between programmes and ad breaks.
The XML playout schedule connects then to the AWS MediaLive API to generate SCTE-35 ad breaks, which enhance the ad insertion system by using the customer’s own ‘demand’ advert partner. The process, fully automated, is fully managed as part of the backend of Simplestream’s Media Manager.

- Your channel must be cloud-encoded by Simplestream.
- The system must receive your playout schedule.
- The SCTE-35 Marker Inserter respects existing ad breaks.
- The customer remains in full control of break position and duration.
- Pre-rolls are inserted automatically.
- The enhancement is ad-server and ad-partner agnostic, respecting any existing integration already in place.
- VAST and VPAID tags are supported.