Interactivity in OTT: keeping your audience engaged - Part 2

Interactivity is hot topic in today's OTT space. Learn how players keep audiences engaged with our two-part blog series.

In the first part of this blog on interactivity in the OTT space, we covered two of the most exciting examples of deeper viewing experience: interactive storytelling and clickable overlays. We discussed the freedom of choice that this is giving to the viewer with interactive storytelling and the potential e-commerce applications of overlays. We'll now cover a few more examples that can connect your audience, keep them engaged, and even promote well-being.  

Fitness Apps

The past couple of years has seen a significant increase in the usage of fitness apps, especially when going to the gym wasn’t an option for any of us. There has been a slight dip as people returned to the gym in 2021, but slightly more wary users have stuck with app-based fitness solutions - with as many as 84 million US smartphone users using health and fitness apps in 2022. A number of these apps incorporate interactive functionality to their classes, allowing users to sync up their performance stats during live video classes. This lets users ‘compete’ through a live leaderboard, which certainly helps those of us who thrive with a little bit of healthy competition.


Children are already used to high levels of interactivity with the technology they encounter, so the expectation for them is that every screen is interactive. “The new TV isn’t a big iPad?”– Said the 5-year-old with the chocolate-covered fingers.

The idea is that this should extend to the VOD content they view, with many being accustomed to the interactivity of the apps and games they are exposed to. Netflix began with many of its interactive titles being aimed at children. Here at Simplestream, we have included the integration of third-party interactivity applications for children’s VOD. This was the integration of a drawing boardArt Pad – within one of our customer applications, which allowed children to take part in art competitions within the VOD app, all made possible with App Platform. In addition, our platform offers features such as an in-player channel changer and ‘play next’ functionality. The benefit of the ‘play next’ functionality is that it removes the need for a viewer to make the choice and will then autoplay the next episode of the series they are watching - both increasing engagement and combating ‘decision fatigue’.

Watch Parties

Sharing our joy with others increases our feelings of joy, and discussing positive experiences leads to heightened well-being, overall life satisfaction, and even more energy. With this point in mind, OTT providers are now integrating a 'watch party' functionality, which is exactly what it sounds like. It allows viewers to watch together – virtually – to make streaming a social event. In recent years, necessity has brought these features to the forefront of development. Whether this is watching the latest tv – series with a far-flung friend, a heated political debate on a news channel, or a football match with your family. This promotes a feeling of togetherness, which we can all benefit from, by connecting us through a shared experience.

Closing Thoughts

Interactivity has a place in video playback, and with the number of content owners looking for a cost-effective point of entry to the saturated OTT market, advertising will play a key role. Do you remember the days when advertising on linear TV wasn’t a reason to change the channel? The implementation of data-driven and targeted advertising that is contextually relevant to the content you’re watching; could be a turning point for advertisers struggling with engagement. We offer Server-side Ad Insertion (SSAI), which offers unique adverts to each individual viewer, optimising the offering to their unique taste.

The potential of interactivity applications in the OTT space is allowing broadcasters and content owners to get up close and personal with their audiences. You need to cater to the viewer to fight decision fatigue and provide a model that is cost-effective to stop subscription fatigue. You should put the viewer at the heart of what you do to create an exciting experience for them, which will, in turn, drive engagement and keep them coming back for more.

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Interactivity in OTT: keeping your audience engaged - Part 1